Zhuang Hong Yi (1962, ShiChuan) lives and works since 1992 in Holland and China (Beijing)

Dock Gallery is proud to announce that we will be representing Zhuang Hong Yi, the Chinese contemporary artist who has impressed audiences in many countries by his unique style in his many pieces of modern art. His works represent beauty, sophistication and a high level of perfection with a clear presence of Chinese influence represented in his use of colors, themes, shapes and materials that touch the heart.

Zhuang Hong Yi was born in 1962, in ShiChuan, China, and lives and works since 1992 in the Netherlands and in China (Beijing). Even after many years of residence in Europe, Zhuang still holds his studio in China, where he returns a couple of times a year to work, collect new materials and to get inspiration.

Since moving to Western Europe in the early nineties Zhuang Hong Yi ‘s style has continuously developed. His work exists in many different forms, shapes, but also in a variety of materials and sizes. Zhuang Hong Yi has made paintings with ink, mixed traditional Chinese materials like acrylic and oil paint and rice paper. Zhuang’s paintings are very often characterized by a daring and surprising mix of bright colors. He also creates sculptures and art objects in wood, porcelain and metals, amongst others. But all of his work is inviting and often very surprising; even for those who know his art well.

Zhuang Hong Yi has had solo exhibitions of his works in 9 different countries, in Asia, Europe and North America. We will be showcasing and selling several of Zhuang Hong Yi’s works in Dock Gallery. You can also expect a dedicated solo exhibition in our gallery. We will keep you updated.

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